To ensure the safety of both the operator and support personnel, these rules must be followed to the letter while firing, or training on, any restored flamethrower unit.
- Complete Unit must have current Hydrostatic, Volumetric and Leak tests as per military specifications. This includes: gun, fuel cells, and fully assembled unit.
- Liquid fuels will contain no gasoline or volatile fuels. Fuels must not emit volatile vapors; this can be tested using flash cans. Gelled fuels will be used only by experienced personnel familiar with napalm usage.
- Pressure bottles will be filled with inert gas such as Nitrogen. Propellant gasses will be verified visually by filling from Nitrogen marked bottles or by extinguishing wood shavings or paper.
- All operators will receive complete operator’s training program before firing.
- Senior Range Officer or CO to be notified by instructor before flamethrower is pressurized for firing and before operator moves to firing position.
- On the firing line the operator will be given “the drill” by instructor, and competency determined before firing.
- Instructor will monitor fuel cell pressure while operator is firing.
- Before leaving firing position the fuel tanks must be emptied, purged and bled. Then the Senior Range Officer or CO will be notified that flamethrower is safe before leaving firing line.
- All non-support personnel are to remain ten meters from instructor and operator. Instructor will not permit any interactions to distract operator.